Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Echo's 6 month check-up

First off the stats. She weighed 17.4 lbs (oh my!) and was 26 inches tall. She is back up to almost the 75th percentile, which is fine since that’s where she was born at and would have stayed at had we not had the wieght gain issues we did early on. Dr. says he’s not worried about it.

Dr and nurse were both VERY impressed with Echo’s advanced development. The nurse asked if she could roll both ways and if she reached for objects. I explained that Echo’s been crawling for almost a month and is now climbing furniture to get to things, and walks along furniture after pulling herself to a standing position. I also told her that I had to read in my parenting books in the 7th and 8th months to keep up with her. I was glowing with pride lol.
Dr. said we can giver her baby cookies to help her learn to feed herself with her hand, although she can feed herself with a spoon (no she can’t scoop, but if you hand her a spoon she gets it right in her mouth with no mess 90% of the time.

We talked about nutrition because Gerber pormotes the 5 a day for fuits and veggies, but I can’t get her to eat that much and Dr said don’t worry as long as she’s on formula she’ll get what she needs. Off the subject a little, but according to Gerber, who goes by stages for feeding not age, she should be eating finger foods and table foods because she’s a crawler. LMAO can you imagine a 6 month old eating a sandwhich.

Also a bit off the subject I was so graciously “hit on” by my Dr’s physician’s assistant on the way out. He was hot too lol. Makes a girl feel good after just having a baby. Then again he also knows I’m going to the same school he did for eitheer PA or anasteasiology, so it’s not like a random incounter, we had talked for some time the other day.

We don’t go to see the Dr again until the end of November when she is 9 months old. Oh my, what will I do without a check-up for 3 whole months?! Ah well, I’m always paraniod so i’ll probably be ther next month lol.

xposted to Sara Roxx and Manik

Baby "cookies"

have got to be the messiest thing ever. I thought feeding her solids was bad, but OH MY GOD. I think I have as much cookie on me as she did. She ate her first one yeasterday by doctors order, yes her Dr. said to give her some b/c she is very advanced and he believes she can begin to learn to feed herself at 6 months.

So I did what any mother would and followed his orders. I purchased some Gerber graduates bitter biscuits and some Arrowroot cookies.

Yesterday I gave her one of the biter biscuits and she made a mess! She sat in her bumbo, at first not knowing what the heck to do, I put it in my mouth and then handed it back. So she sucked on it for a while before she realized it was melting in her mouth and was GOOD. She then proceeded to wipe it all over her face and arms and even "painted" her toes with it.

Today I gave her an Arrowroot cookie before bath time and that wasn't as messy, probably because when she was done she gave me a hug and wiped her face on my shirt.

The biter biscuits are harder to hold but stay in one piece, but the Arrowroots are easy to hold but fall apart into chunks she could choke on....

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Who would of thought.. Farm and Fleet

I never would have thought that I would like this store so much. When I think of F&F I think of the farming community, which is not me. I have no need for farming or gardening equipment. But.... the other day my boyfriend saw the F&F weekly ad and it had the pet verision of the superyard gate I wanted for Echo. I said I would take a look at it since it was cheaper than other places (except

We go there today and it turns out the gate is the SAME EXACT thing as the childrens superyard. Same pictures on the box and everything, just marketed for pets, so we got it. I also saw they had those little generic gates that are usually $13 for $10.99 so we got that too for the laundry room.

Here's the kicker.

They have the BEST baby and children's clothing! I wanted to see if they had a sippy cup because Echo is 6 months now and I want to try giving her a cup. Couldn't find a cup, but I found baby clothes heaven. They have an entire wall of Carter's clothes the cheapest I've seen them. I was going to go to Toy's R Us because of their selection, but F&F has the same things plus lots more! Also, it's a lot cheaper. The footies or whatever they're called at TRU were $15-$20 and I believe they were all $10 at F&F. I didn't look at all the prices but....

I briefly looked at the older girls clothes and they also have a great selection and very cute outfits.

So that's that I'm going to F&F for all my child's clothing needs.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Shopping for baby clothes

Echo "turned" 6 months on the 25th and being that she is in the 50th percentile she seems to outgrow everything within two weeks of the age limit. That means it's time for clothes shopping!!!

I know it's expensive to keep buying a wardrobe for babies every 3-6 months, but isn't it so much fun too? I'm shopaholic, it's one of my favorite things to do, and I especially LOVE shopping for Echo.

I can be very frugal at times though too. When I was pregnant I shopped for clothes for her all the time, but all together I didn't spend a lot of money. Here are some good ways to save money and still shop for the baby clothes you love, including name brand.

Hit the trift stores. When most people think of thrift stores they think of old beat up clothes that even a bum might not wear, but if you know where to go you can find great deals on great clothes. I don't reccomend Goodwill, although this store seems to be a favorite of many. I've found that you don't save much if anything, and sometimes you end up paying more. Iknow in our area (WI) Goodwill buys things at rock bottom prices from Target at times. These items are usually in great condition, the packaging is usually the only thing damaged. The problem is this: I've seen items from Target for sale at Goodwill priced higher than the normal price at Target. When I relized this was a trend, not just a fluke one time occurance I stopped shopping there. I don't like being ripped off. I highly roccomend stores such as the Salvation Army. NOw this one can be hit or miss, but I usually find it's a hit. I know the one in Racine, WI has a HUGE selection of childrens clothes at great prices. While I was pregnant I went there right before school started (right now) and they had a sale where all childrens clothes were $0.48!!!!! I spend $40 and we got lots of clothes for the baby and my boyfriends 3 other kids (previous marriage). They had a lot of name brand, I believe everything I got for Echo was Carter's, Old Navy or Gap. Can't beat that.

Check the ads weekly!!! Even if you don't get the sunday paper go online, or just give in and purchase the paper, it will save you a ton in the long run. Every week some store or another is having a great sale. I find Shopko has some of the best sales on children's clothes. They have a return policy too that states if your child ruins an item before they outgrow it they will exchange it. Only problem with that is that A. you need the receipt and B. you have to exchange it for the same exact item and when they change their inventory every few months this can be a challenge. You could always spend 30 minutes arguing that point like I did and get a similar item exchange. K-mart has AWESOME deals on childrens clothes too. You can find outfits for $5, and I don't mean a t-shirt, full 2-3 piece outfits! $5.99 is thier regular price for a lot of things (I think the most expensive is maybe $14.99) but when you hit thier sales you may be paying only $3-$8 for outfits. While this is wonderful you have to watch out for the comfort of clothes at K-Mart. I bought things because they were cute only to relize later that the material is so itchy or pinchy that Echo can't wear it, so even at that phenominal price I was throwing money away. I would say K-Mart is better for toddlers and older children clothes. Target has adorable slothes for resonable prices, but their slection is less than par. Walmart for baby clothes I would say hands down is the worst. Don't get me wrong, I love my local Walmart, but the clothes aren't that cute and their size run HUGE. My 6 month old can still fit 2 onsies that are 0-3 months from Walmart.

Coupons, coupons, coupons. Now this tip may not work for older kids, but if you go to the Gerber website to print out coupons on their already decent priced clothing. I love gerber clothes, the onsies and the sleep and plays are the best! They are so comfy and so durable. They are pretty easy to get stains out of too, which is great with a six month old baby!

That's all the saving stratgies I can think of at the moment, but if any others pop in my head I'll be sure to update. Enjoy and happy shopping!

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Dealing with pain and a 6 month old

Xposted to livejournal.

As my last post said I got my 2 top wisdom teeth pulled today. It's not a whole lot of fun. The actual pulling of teeth isn't bad at all. The Novocain shot isn't great, but it's not the worst thing in the world either. A bit of a pinch, but apparently when they pull upper teeth you also get 2 shot in the roof your mouth per tooth, so I got 4. Not cool. The actual pulling is quick and painless, thanks to the shots. Then they give you pain killers, woot.It's the in between time when the shots wear off and the pain killers have yet to kick in that's a bit brutal. When I got my bottom teeth pulled the pain was unbearable, especially the time I had stitches in my gums. I rolled around on the bed wishing I was dead, and the vicadin didn't do me much good on that occasion. I have found that eating something very cold such as ice cream can cure the pain while you wait, but you pretty much have to eat it constantly.

This time the after pain hasn't been too bad. The dentist said that the upper teeth hurt a lot less than bottom teeth when pulled. Boy am I glad he was right! The main downfall to my experience today was that I had my 6 month old daughter all day. Her father is out of town for the week. Luckily though my grandmother came over from 11-3:30 to help me with her, and it was a HUGE help. But I ended up taking two pain killers because one didn't quite do the trick.

Now, you must understand one thing about me and pain killers, if I take more than one we don't get along very well. It feels like I've drunk way too much and I'm nauseous and the room is spinning, so by the time Echo woke up from her nap at 5pm I was not feeling so well.

So there I lay on the floor for a while, until time for dinner, she ate some solids, then a bottle, then I was back on the floor until time for bed.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Earning extra income in your spare time

As mothers we have a LOT of work to to right. But extra income is nice to have whether your working or not. Here are a few ligitimate places online that you can join and start making some money. All are free to join, I don't like scams, who does right?

First is You get paid to write your opinion. It's not a lot of money, but eventually it will add up and you can share your opinion or tips about ANYTHING. I like it.

Pay per post or PPP is my favorite so far, even though I haven't been able to use it because my blog doesnt' qualify yet. I signed up looked around and checked out some of the other bloggers and it's very simple and looks like it can generate a subtantial amount of cash. You post on your blog either generating hype or reveiwing for a product, company or website and get paid. Some are as little as $5 others are as high as $250 (for high ranking pages). Where else can you make $5 with a few minutes of typing?

If you join PPP it can be a little confusing going from sign up to publishing your first paid blog. There is a really great tutorial HERE that walks you through it step by step. I'm so glad I looked at the tutorial because I was so lost when I signed up, but once you get that first post done your golden. is a blog that belongs to a person who blogs for money, and he has a LOT of different sites listed on this post reviewing which one's he uses and their earning potential. I haven't checked all of them yet, but it's definitely worth a look.

Don't forget to check out my other blog HERE. It's all about finding ways to make money online, easily and without having to pay for it. I also walk you through lots of steps so you don't make the same mistakes I do, or spend hours trying to figure it out.

The diffence between men and women

Not in the obvious sense that I hope we as parents understand. But in the parenting style sense.

I know I cannot be the only mother out there that feels unappreciated and that their child needs more daddy time. I understand that my child's father (we are not married, but we live together) works 3rd shift and therefore needs to sleep during the day, but I feel that he sleeps at the wrong times. He will come home from work at 8am and be in be by 9-10am sleeping until about 5-6pm. Our daughter goes to bed at 6:30pm. If he were to spend every waking moment with her it would be 4 hours, but obviously that's not the case. Of course there are other things to be done in life. I just wish he'd stay up until maybe 1 or 2 pm then he can wake up and hour or 2 before he has to go to work, yet still get what he needs to get done AND spend ample time with Echo.

Ahhh well, we can all hope can't we. It's part of what makes us human I guess.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Check out my other blogs

I currently have two blogs besides this one. Please take a moment to take a look.

My livejournal blog my personal blog about me and my life (other than parenting mostly)

Manikly Yours is about my journey trying to make a living online so that I can have more free time to spend with my daughter and time to more things that I love. There are lots of links to legitimate sites where you can earn money without paying a penny. No get rich quick scams here either.

Monday, August 13, 2007


I think we are currently experiencing teething, and if this is it, it's AWFUL! Saturday night she was up most of the night and then didn't sleep well during the day until I gave her some acetaminophen. My sweet little happy go lucky girl is about to spin her head around and spew out green goo. Sunday night I gave her some medicine right before bed but she still woke up at 1:45am, 4:45am, 5:30am and then was up for the day at 6am (normally she sleeps through the night from 7pm to 8am). I am so tired as I write this. All day today so was so cranky, only feeling better when she got some medicine.

Another problem to this is that she wants to eat more. Normally she eats 24oz of formula, 2 jars of fruits or veggies and 2tbsp of cereal, and today she ate 34oz of formula, but she isn't eating as much solids. I don't want her overeating to become a habit by the end of all this. We all know about the growing obesity problem in America especially with children and all the problems it causes, but that's a whole different post.

I may call her doctor tomorrow to see if it does sound like teething and if it's OK to keep giving her Tylenol.

REMEMBER never give your child ANY medicine whether over the counter or prescription without direct doctors orders. Even if we think it's safe it can be lethal to out little ones. I just read a few articles about infants dying because their parents thought it would be OK to give them something because it was over the counter, or they gave their infants children's medicine, just in smaller doses. You may know your child, but doctors know drugs and they are more dangerous than most of us seem to think because things like aspirin have become part of our daily lives. Also remember to NEVER EVER under any circumstances give a child aspirin, it can cause Reyes syndrome, which is very very bad.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


I know I know It's a dirty word. I have got to be the laziest neat freak there is. I hate cleaning, but my home must be neat, I'll go crazy if it's not. How to do it without really doing much.

First things first pick up after yourself (I don't always follow this rule, but I make it very difficult to not do it ie I took away my coffee table so I have to leave things on the floor, but I can't leave things on the floor b/c Echo plays down there). Then, this one is really hard, get signifigant other to pick up after himself. I'm still working on this one.

I NEED SWIFTER. I love swifter, seriously. I recommend swifter to everyone, especially the lazy neat freaks like myself. I have the swifter dry sweeper (which I need more pads for) the swifter wet sweeper, which allowed me to throw out my mop, and the swifter flick, it's a non-electric "vacuum" for in between vacuums. Great since Echo plays on the carpet and crap gets tracked all over the carpet everyday. Oh yeah and I can't forget to mention the siffer duster it reaches everything. Much love.

I also love everything that has to do with wipes. Baby wipes, disinfectant wipes, window wipes, wood cleaning wipes etc... I couldn't live without them. I can't seem to see the point of pulling out a bottle of cleaner and some paper towels just to wipe off my counters, that's just too much work and then you have to put the cleaner away ugh. So grab a wipe, wipe away and toss. It doesn't' get easier.

I also tend to clean mostly at night. My main reason is that I don't like waking up to a dirty house and lots of work. Also, I don't have to stop in the middle of what I'm doing because Echo decides that she won't play by herself any longer. Another reason for this is during her first nap I like to do a quick workout and take a shower and I don't want to be distracted by a messy house (mess gives me ADD)

Sit on the floor and fold laundry while your baby is playing on the floor. We all know babies need floor time, and a lot of babies like their parent to be right next to them, so as long as they are still young enough not to unfold everything you just folded go for it. Everybodies happy.

When you change the garbage leave it in front of the door so the next person out has to move it to get outside. Your way more likely to take it out sooner.

Clean the cat box on garbage day and use that half full garbage bag. If your like me you want ALL your garbage to go out that week, not to sit around so to get rid of that half full garbage bag and keep my cats happy I do it then.

This last one is convenient, but also a safety issue. If your like me and have a first floor laundry, put all your cleaning supplies on the top of a shelf in there. I use the top shelf and also put my garbage and recycling in there. Laundry rooms carry a LOT of e-coli, so you don't want your kid in there anyway. No way to get to all the poisons! Plus they are more accessible than bending over and digging through a cabinet.

Hope this helps all you lazy neat freaks out there.


My name is Sara, I'm 22 years old, live in Wisconsin and I want to blog about my "adventures" as a mother. I am a full time student at a university. I am majoring in molecular biology, minoring in chemistry and my conc. is pre-medicine. If you think that's a mouthful you should see my homework lol. I just took this summer off to spend time with my daughter and go back to school in a few weeks on September 5th.

Other than school I am kind of a typical mom I guess. I wake up with my baby, play with her, teach her, feed her, bathe her and attempt to keep my house clean enough to not go crazy. I am also still working on losing weight (which is a very big sensitive issue for me) so I try to find time in my busy day to workout and eat right.

My little girl is Echo Lynn, she is just over 5 months at the time of this post and I am so proud of her. She is a VERY bright baby and very strong. She is pretty much at a 7 month old level and by that I mean I have to read about 7 month olds to understand where she's at and what she will do next. She's been rolling over since she was maybe 6 weeks old and she just started sitting up completely by herself with no support about 2 weeks ago. She just starting up and crawling a few days ago, but even the first time she did it she looked like an old pro lol.

She is currently on 1st foods and we are about 1/2 way through all of them, she should start 2nds at about 6 months. She is a good eater and loves everything, hopefully that sticks. She is also a very messy eater, the very first time we gave her solids at 4 moths she was trying to grab the spoon and feed herself. So now I scoop up the food, hand her the spoon, she puts it in her mouth and hands it back to me (usually), so a great deal of food ends up on her tray or her chin.

I suppose that is a detailed enough introduction. This blog will essentially be my day to day life raising a daughter, going through things that a lot of people go through and giving my thoughts and opinions about it all, and letting you know what works and what doesn't for me. I will also include my own little trials and tribulations as they relate to Echo. So I hope my readers enjoy and can maybe take something from this blog and make their lives a little easier.