Monday, August 13, 2007


I think we are currently experiencing teething, and if this is it, it's AWFUL! Saturday night she was up most of the night and then didn't sleep well during the day until I gave her some acetaminophen. My sweet little happy go lucky girl is about to spin her head around and spew out green goo. Sunday night I gave her some medicine right before bed but she still woke up at 1:45am, 4:45am, 5:30am and then was up for the day at 6am (normally she sleeps through the night from 7pm to 8am). I am so tired as I write this. All day today so was so cranky, only feeling better when she got some medicine.

Another problem to this is that she wants to eat more. Normally she eats 24oz of formula, 2 jars of fruits or veggies and 2tbsp of cereal, and today she ate 34oz of formula, but she isn't eating as much solids. I don't want her overeating to become a habit by the end of all this. We all know about the growing obesity problem in America especially with children and all the problems it causes, but that's a whole different post.

I may call her doctor tomorrow to see if it does sound like teething and if it's OK to keep giving her Tylenol.

REMEMBER never give your child ANY medicine whether over the counter or prescription without direct doctors orders. Even if we think it's safe it can be lethal to out little ones. I just read a few articles about infants dying because their parents thought it would be OK to give them something because it was over the counter, or they gave their infants children's medicine, just in smaller doses. You may know your child, but doctors know drugs and they are more dangerous than most of us seem to think because things like aspirin have become part of our daily lives. Also remember to NEVER EVER under any circumstances give a child aspirin, it can cause Reyes syndrome, which is very very bad.

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