Saturday, August 25, 2007

Dealing with pain and a 6 month old

Xposted to livejournal.

As my last post said I got my 2 top wisdom teeth pulled today. It's not a whole lot of fun. The actual pulling of teeth isn't bad at all. The Novocain shot isn't great, but it's not the worst thing in the world either. A bit of a pinch, but apparently when they pull upper teeth you also get 2 shot in the roof your mouth per tooth, so I got 4. Not cool. The actual pulling is quick and painless, thanks to the shots. Then they give you pain killers, woot.It's the in between time when the shots wear off and the pain killers have yet to kick in that's a bit brutal. When I got my bottom teeth pulled the pain was unbearable, especially the time I had stitches in my gums. I rolled around on the bed wishing I was dead, and the vicadin didn't do me much good on that occasion. I have found that eating something very cold such as ice cream can cure the pain while you wait, but you pretty much have to eat it constantly.

This time the after pain hasn't been too bad. The dentist said that the upper teeth hurt a lot less than bottom teeth when pulled. Boy am I glad he was right! The main downfall to my experience today was that I had my 6 month old daughter all day. Her father is out of town for the week. Luckily though my grandmother came over from 11-3:30 to help me with her, and it was a HUGE help. But I ended up taking two pain killers because one didn't quite do the trick.

Now, you must understand one thing about me and pain killers, if I take more than one we don't get along very well. It feels like I've drunk way too much and I'm nauseous and the room is spinning, so by the time Echo woke up from her nap at 5pm I was not feeling so well.

So there I lay on the floor for a while, until time for dinner, she ate some solids, then a bottle, then I was back on the floor until time for bed.

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