Thursday, August 23, 2007

The diffence between men and women

Not in the obvious sense that I hope we as parents understand. But in the parenting style sense.

I know I cannot be the only mother out there that feels unappreciated and that their child needs more daddy time. I understand that my child's father (we are not married, but we live together) works 3rd shift and therefore needs to sleep during the day, but I feel that he sleeps at the wrong times. He will come home from work at 8am and be in be by 9-10am sleeping until about 5-6pm. Our daughter goes to bed at 6:30pm. If he were to spend every waking moment with her it would be 4 hours, but obviously that's not the case. Of course there are other things to be done in life. I just wish he'd stay up until maybe 1 or 2 pm then he can wake up and hour or 2 before he has to go to work, yet still get what he needs to get done AND spend ample time with Echo.

Ahhh well, we can all hope can't we. It's part of what makes us human I guess.

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